Graduate Fellows

The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows program aims to recognize graduate students currently working in digital rhetoric who want practical experience in online publishing and website development. Fellows are selected on a yearly basis by the directors and board of the DRC, and receive an annual award of $500 as well as recognition on the DRC website.

DRC Fellows attend monthly online team meetings to plan projects that extend the DRC website and its contributions to the community of computers and writing. In collaboration with DRC colleagues, DRC Fellows will have the opportunity to contribute to two DRC projects during the year. Typical projects include: coordinating a blog carnival, developing the DRC wiki, enhancing the resources section of the website, or taking part in editorial work associated with DRC publishing.

The annual application is open now. You can find the application details here.

2023-2024 Fellows

Saurabh Anand (Saw + Rub) is a Rhetoric and Composition Studies Ph.D. student and an Assistant Writing Center Director in the Department of English at the University of Georgia. His cultural location is India, and his languages are Hindi, Punjabi, English, German, and Hungarian. His research interests include Writing Center Studies, World Englishes, and Second Language Writing. His work has appeared in the English Journal, College Composition and Communication, and the Community Literacy Journal. 

Sarah Fischer (she/her) is a PhD candidate in English with a concentration in Rhetoric at Indiana University Bloomington. Her dissertation explores how multimodal composition and embodied composition come together through the practice of vlogging. She has taught FYC, public speaking, and digital literacy courses, including “Public Storytelling Through Video” and “Like, Comment, Subscribe: The Role of Social Media Influencers.”

Anuj Gupta, a PhD candidate embodies multiple roles at the University of Arizona – a UX researcher, a technical writing educator, and Data Science and Digital Scholarship Fellow. His research and teaching agenda focuses on designing, analyzing, testing, and deploying language technologies to create transformative learning experiences that promote social justice, inclusion, and empowerment for diverse audiences. He is currently working on his dissertation research where he is analysing the impact of AI technologies like large language models (LLM) on human communication, literacy, and emotions. He was recently awarded the Kairos Graduate Student Research Award and the CCCC Scholars for the Dream Award. His significant contributions can be found in journals including Composition Studies, ALRA, JSLAT, and the CWPA journal. Previously, Anuj helped build establishing one of India’s pioneering college-level writing programs at Ashoka University.

Luke Hernandez is an Art, Technology, and Emerging Communications PhD student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Luke research works lies in the intersection of video game studies, queer theory, and latine studies. His research projects include how digital media, particularly digital games, represent and impact marginalized communities. Luke is also an Aquarius and can be found on Twitter: @Histokaloka.

Alexandra Krasova is a Ph.D. candidate in Composition and Applied Linguistics and a Teaching Associate in the English Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Being a multilingual speaker, Alexandra focuses her research on multilingual students’ digital storytelling and explores their translanguaging practices as well as their multilingual identities construction. Alexandra is a Fulbright Scholar Alumna, who was teaching Russian language at the Critical Languages program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for three years and currently volunteers for the Kathleen Jones White Writing Center. Being a Former Wikipedia CCCC Fellow and a current Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Fellow, Alexandra educates her students on Digital Writing, Literacy, Rhetoric and Composition.

Alex Mashny is a PhD student in Rhetoric and Writing at Michigan State University. His research interests include technical communication, digital and cultural rhetorics, embodiment, and circulation studies.

Past DRC Fellows