Course Materials & Project Examples: Language, Technology, & Culture


Lisa Ede has taught at Oregon State University since 1980 and has been teaching the course “Language, Technology, and Culture” for the last five years.  Included here for reference is Dr. Ede’s course syllabus, along with the assignment for the online research project and several student project examples.  These student projects give information about various online resources including The Oatmeal,, and Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning.

Click the links below to view the materials.

Language, Technology, and Culture course syllabus
Online Research Project

Research Project – The Oatmeal by Natalie Averill
Research Project – LibraryThing by Sarah Beattie
Research Project – by Amy Edwards
Research Project – Spotlight on Digital Media by Amber Houck
Research Project – Ravelry by Justene Malosh
Research Project – Penny Arcade by Jessie McCartney
Research Project – Sporcle by Melissa Pope

All materials included here are licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC SA 3.0 license.


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