The Digital Rhetoric Collaborative invites you to stop by and visit our table in the CUE Atrium, 2nd floor, throughout the 2014 Computers and Writing in Pullman, Washington! We’ll have many opportunities for you to contribute to the DRC.
Stop by and:
- We’ll help you get usernames and passwords to edit the DRC Wiki.
- We’ll help you edit the DRC Wiki so you can earn a DRC Wiki Contributor Badge.

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Wiki Contributor Badge
- Contribute your voice and perspective to the the history of computers and writing by recording a video about your background with our community’s stories, work, and people. We’ll be conducting short interviews to illustrate the various contributions #cwcon attendees have made to the history of our discipline. We would really appreciate your input!
- Find out about writing reviews of Computers and Writing sessions for the DRC.
- Apply to be a Sweetland DRC Graduate Fellow.
- Pick up DRC Swag: Get a Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Sticker and earn your DRC Wiki Contributor Badge.
Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Sticker.
We’ll also be presenting our work at Friday, 1:30pm-2:45pm. Come see us talk about our past year, our own work with the history of computers and writing, and what we all can do in the future with this work in session B9, “Evolutions: The History and Future of Computers and Writing and Related Fields, as told on the DRC Wiki” in CUE 319.
We look forward to seeing you in Pullman!
Is anyone reviewing the digital publishing workshop?
Not yet! Would love to have your review.