DRC Wiki CFP – Call for Participation


The capacity of wiki platforms for knowledge building and curation has led to an unprecedented growth in “crowd-sourced” epistemologies in the last decade. At the Sweetland DRC, we’re harnessing wiki technology to create a resource through  which individuals involved in digital rhetorics and humanities communities can come together to share  disciplinary knowledge. We seek to build and sustain a diverse group of editors from all stages of the profession (advanced, undergraduate students, graduate students, newly minted PhDs, and seasoned academics) in order to build a truly representative resource.

To this end, we invite academics and instructors of all ranks to participate in this collaborative effort to write and edit content in the DRC Wiki, a compendium of information and shared knowledge about digital rhetoric, computers and writing, and their digital relations. We are most interested in collecting information on the following topics, but are interested in developing other content areas as well:

  • key People,
  • key Threshold Concepts in Digital Rhetoric,
  • key Histories,
  • key Institutions,Organizations, and Conferences,
  • key Texts (books, articles, journals, webtexts, websites),
  • key Technologies and Software, and
  • key Teaching Resources

Call for Participation:  Instructors

We invite instructors to consider implementing a Wiki assignment into their own graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses in digital rhetoric and writing, especially when course content converges with the topic areas listed above. Students working on such a project get the opportunity to:

  • help build a useful knowledge repository,
  • summarize and become more familiar with key texts and issues in the field,
  • collaborate with others in the field,
  • and practice writing in a wiki environment.

Substantial contributions will also be featured on the DRC site. Planning for a course in the spring? We ask you to keep the DRC Wiki in mind for working with wiki concepts, for providing students places to collaborate on digital rhetoric, and for providing a public space for sharing work.

Call for Participation: Students

We invite students to work through ideas and concepts they’re just recently encountering or syntheses they’ve been working with for some time. Whether preparing for exams or as part of research, students are invited to share the material they’re working through on the DRC Wiki. Whether you’re working during the school year or doing some thinking between semesters, consider putting together an entry on the DRC Wiki. Working on a wiki is a great place to put material out and then work collaboratively with others to develop content helpful to others .

Call for Participation: Scholars

We invite scholars to share knowledge and resources by editing and starting new wiki entries related to their current area of research and interest. Working in a wiki is a terrific way to map your research, and to find connections among different topics. It’s also a perfect venue for making that research knowledge more visible for others, and meeting new scholarly partners. The DRC Wiki is a great way to connect with others in the fields of digital rhetorics and computers and writing. Come work with us!

Get Registered and Start Editing


  • Matthew Vetter

    VIsiting Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University Zanesville, Matthew Vetter earned his PhD from Ohio University in 2015, where he previously served as Assistant Director of Composition. His research and professional interests include digital rhetoric and humanities, writing program administration, and composition pedagogy. Vetter is a former Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Graduate Fellow and current editor of PraxisWiki, a section of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Check out his portfolio at mattvetter.net

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  1. Pingback: Wiki Wednesday: A Roundup of Wiki Posts — Digital Rhetoric Collaborative

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