Wiki Wednesday: DRC Wiki Entry Spotlight


Writing beyond the Classroom Context

Welcome back to Wiki Wednesday! Last week, we posted a DRC Wiki Call for Participation to Instructors, Students, and Scholars. This week, we want to spotlight a graduate student’s contribution, made re-using a class project. This is just one example of the many ways that instructors, students, and scholars can respond to the CFP.

In response to a DRC Wiki call for key Texts, DRC Fellow Emeritus Becca Tarsa created an entry for Stuart Selber’s Multiliteracies for a Digital Age. She contributed this content after seeing one of the texts listed in our key Texts/Books placeholders. To develop the entry, she modified material she’d created in response to a class assignment calling for a book review. Editing the wiki to add this material allowed Tarsa to take some of her coursework into a public venue beyond the classroom, and ultimately, to provide a scholarly resource for others to learn from and add to. One of the main features of a wiki is that editors can post material and gain an opportunity to collaboratively develop material together. This means that editors can choose how much of a contribution they have time and energy to make. Someone can always come along and develop your content!


We’ve got up a few placeholders for other key Books, but we call on you to contribute others, either adding placeholders or by creating full entries:

Other major areas where we welcome contributions include:

DRC Wiki Main Page
Ready to Get Registered and Start Editing? We look forward to seeing your contributions soon!


  • Brenta Blevins

    A Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative fellow in 2013-14 and 2014-15, Brenta Blevins is an Assistant Professor of Writing Studies and Digital Studies at the University of Mary Washington. She completed her PhD in digital rhetoric and composition at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro where her dissertation examined the rhetoric and literacy of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. She previously worked in the software development industry. Her current research interests include Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality, digital literacy and digital pedagogy, and multiliteracy/multimodality.

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