DRC Wiki Feature Spotlight: Threshold Concepts: Rhetorical Velocity


Happy Wiki Wednesday! This week we’re shining a spotlight on a unique section of the DRC Wiki: Threshold Concepts in Digital Rhetoric. This section outlines and introduces a number of important concepts, and provides a number of resources for both teaching and scholarship. As a scholar in digital rhetorics, I appreciate how this section calls attention to the unique disciplinary knowledge we can claim, as well as the opportunities for expanding the conceptual and intellectual parameters of the field.

One of the most well-developed entries in this section is an article on “Rhetorical Velocity,” what Jim Ridolfo and Danielle Nicole DeVoss have defined as “a strategic approach to composing for rhetorical delivery…. both [as] a way of considering delivery as a rhetorical mode, aligned with an understanding of how texts work as a component of a strategy.” Check out the article to learn more about this concept.

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While the entry on “Rhetorical Velocity” is fairly well developed, the section on “Threshold Concepts:” includes a good number of entries that need development, as well as space for entries that aren’t yet listed.

Remember that a title in red indicates that entry has not yet been created. So there are plenty of opportunities for students or others in the field to research and share their knowledge. Remember, the DRC Wiki is a work-in-progress. We want your help!

Sign up to start editing the Wiki today!


  • Matthew Vetter

    VIsiting Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University Zanesville, Matthew Vetter earned his PhD from Ohio University in 2015, where he previously served as Assistant Director of Composition. His research and professional interests include digital rhetoric and humanities, writing program administration, and composition pedagogy. Vetter is a former Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Graduate Fellow and current editor of PraxisWiki, a section of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Check out his portfolio at mattvetter.net

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