Author: Jim Porter

Jim Porter is a Professor of Rhetoric and Professional Communication at Miami University, where he holds a joint appointment in English and Interactive Media Studies. His scholarship focuses on the intersections between rhetoric and ethics. Jim’s most recent book, with co-author Heidi McKee, is Professional Communication and Network Interaction: A Rhetorical and Ethical Approach (Routledge, 2017).

We think the field of rhetoric/writing needs to address—and quickly!—three current and rapidly expanding developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technology: AI chatbots are now operating in the workplace. The students graduating from our writing majors need to be prepared to write for bot communications, becoming scriptwriters for bots and writing instructors for bots. Just peruse the job ads out there—Wade & Wendy seeks “A Chatbot Copywriter,” Conversable seeks a “Conversation Designer/Writer,”  iRobot Corporation seeks a “UX Writer.” We and our professional writing students need to know how to write for bots and how to teach bots to write, because it…

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