On October 31, 2019, I received some of the happiest news I’d received in a while: after a long hiatus, emo rock band My Chemical Romance –the band who guided me through my awkward adolescent years—announced, via Twitter, their plans to reunite. Of course, I immediately Tweeted my excitement and made favoriting and retweeting similar content a top priority on Twitter. I wasn’t the only one. My feed, usually a steady blend of political news and NBA updates, was now dominated by the conversations of excited fans, like myself, coming together to collectively express their excitement over the news While…
Author: Lacy Hope
Presenters: Shannon Butts (University of Florida), Scott Sundvall (University of Memphis), and Jacob Greene (Arizona State University) Today’s digitally networked environments open a new world of opportunities and possibilities to those with material access. This world, though, comes with an overwhelming amount of noise, but as the panelists of “Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Performing Public Rhetorics in a Digital Age” (J.05) argue, this noise, coupled with the affordances of digital tools presents new and exciting rhetorical opportunities for students and scholars alike. In their own ways, each panelist calls us to find value in the sounds, sites, and movements that…