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Jason Palmeri / Ben McCorkle

Coda: Back to the Future

Which English Journal Author Are You?

Woman reading copy of English Journal surrounded by question marks.

Wondering who in the annals of English Journal you most identify with, pedagogically speaking? Take our nifty, scientifically tested* personality quiz and find out!

* Okay, we admit that might be a bit of a stretch.

Note: You must respond to all questions in order to get a result.

1. What is your favorite medium?
2. Whenever you encounter a new technology, you:
3. Your students might describe you as:
4. What is your core educational philosophy?
5. What do you do when the tech breaks down?
6. What is your primary goal in using classroom technologies?
7. What’s your attitude towards students?
8. If you could time travel to a previous decade, which would it be?
9. Which of these media genres do you most enjoy?