With the colder winds starting to blow (here in Michigan, at least) and school back in session for a few weeks now, it seems high time to launch the “back-to-school edition” of the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Blog Carnival.
In our inaugural blog carnival, you essayed your definitions of digital rhetoric and its interactions with other kindred terms and concepts. Now, with that conversation in mind, we want to hear about what cool digirhet projects you worked on for your summer vacation, and what new digirhet courses, assignments, and initiatives you’ve got going on right now! (And if these are ideas others could build upon, we’d love to feature them in our Resources section, as well.)
Contact us at DigitalRhetoricCollaborative@umich.edu about posting your response to the topic on the DRC site.
And there are many other ways to add your voice to the conversation:
- Follow the #SweetlandDRC hashtag on Twitter (and like us on Facebook) for announcements of DRC blog carnival posts by members of the DRC Board and community
- Leave comments on blog carnival posts at the DRC website
- Take up the topic on your own blog, link to the DRC website, and use the #SweetlandDRC hashtag and the #DRCBlogCarnival hashtag
- Leave a link to your blog post in the DRC website comments.
We look forward to heading “back to school” with you!