(As of 2/2/2018 this post has been archived from Storify and shared below)
Our second Twitter #DRCchat was everything you could want in a Twitter chat! Plenty of great discussion from a number of different perspectives on all things teaching online. Moderators @linzharding and @rhetgrrrl kept the conversation lively with a number of terrific questions. You can revisit last night's chat in a "storified" round-up of questions and responses, below. I couldn't squeeze everything in there, though, so check out the #DRCchat hashtag if you want to see all the posts. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this event. I think we all learned a lot.
It's time! Let's get #DRCchat going. Please intro yourself and your experience with online teaching (which courses? how long? etc.)
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014
Hi everyone! I'm Lindsey. I #teachwriting with online tools like @marcaDev & @prezi, and I've been at it for the past 4 years. #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
Hiya! I'm Heather Lang, a phd student @ FSU and a graduate fellow with the @SweetlandDRC. I'll be co-moderating with @linzharding #DRCChat
— H. Lang (@rhetgrrrl) December 19, 2014
5th year PhD student here with confession: never taught fully online course but am signed up to try it out this summer. #DRCchat
— Matthew Vetter (@MatthewVetter) December 19, 2014
Hello, #drcchat! I taught hybrid FYC for 1.5 years and am looking fwd to teaching fully online. I hope to learn more about tools, techniques
— Dr. Jenae Cohn (@jenaecohn@sotl.social) (@Jenae_Cohn) December 19, 2014
Happy to meet y'all! Now for Q1: How do you cultivate relationships with students online? How do you foster community? #DRCchat
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014
I make introductory activities a really imp part of the envt. Ask students to build avatars, respond to each other. #drcchat
— Dr. Jenae Cohn (@jenaecohn@sotl.social) (@Jenae_Cohn) December 19, 2014
Q1:I think avatars & reflection on them could be a cool way to experiment with cultivating community. Low stakes, easy entry, FUN! #DRCchat
— H. Lang (@rhetgrrrl) December 19, 2014
A1: I like using an online forum to initiate discussions. I think dig spaces can help get convos going and overcome early shyness. #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
@PaulaMMiller @rhetgrrrl #DRCchat Maybe in providing multiple venues for feedback & sharing. Use student writing to pull the class together
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
A1: We meet in a weekly a/v chat and I require all online class to do a group proj w/synchronous pres. #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@Jenae_Cohn @estee_beck I am new to online teaching but am already dreading using our lms (blackboard) #drcchat
— Matthew Vetter (@MatthewVetter) December 19, 2014
@MatthewVetter yeah, LMSs try to be everyone for everyone, and that just doesn't seem to work to teach writing. #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
@MatthewVetter Blackboard is not terrible, but I supplement with a lot of video. #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@estee_beck @SweetlandDRC Good call. LMS's totally need a student centered overhaul. #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@estee_beck @MatthewVetter that's what I use @marcaDev for! It is built by writing teachers specifically for writing courses. #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
@estee_beck @Jenae_Cohn @linzharding @MatthewVetter we like to think of ourselves as an LMS but where learning actually happens π #DRCchat
— Eli Review (@elireview) December 19, 2014
@estee_beck @Jenae_Cohn @linzharding @MatthewVetter seriously though, Eli was built for writing pedagogy – no grades, email, blogs #DRCchat
— Eli Review (@elireview) December 19, 2014
We need to make our own technology. Or we'll always have other people's pedagogy to contend with… #DRCChat
— Bill Hart-Davidson (@billhd) December 19, 2014
Q2: How do you use Internet-based tools to enhance your face-to-face teaching? #DRCchat
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014
A2: I try to harness the collaborative tools for f2f teaching, like Google Docs/Presentations especially. Those have been v useful! #drcchat
— Dr. Jenae Cohn (@jenaecohn@sotl.social) (@Jenae_Cohn) December 19, 2014
I'm a huge fan of Wikipedia writing projects and other assignments with live audiences #DRCchat
— Matthew Vetter (@MatthewVetter) December 19, 2014
#drcchat I, too, am a big fan of wikis.
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@estee_beck @MatthewVetter yeah, I'm excited to get my Ss to do some wiki writing! Love the idea of Ss building durable knowledge. #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
Here's a post about the most recent Wikipedia project I did- http://t.co/DRfef5mb62 #Drcchat
— Matthew Vetter (@MatthewVetter) December 19, 2014
Q3: Letβs talk about the affordances of online teaching. What CAN you do online that is trickier to pull off face-to-face? #DRCchat
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014
A3: You can also activate diff types of reading, get Ss to engage with diff forms of writing (tweets, blogs, etc.) #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
Q3: My ideal online course is just chock full of multimedia. It's got about a million different things. That's harder f2f. #drcchat
— H. Lang (@rhetgrrrl) December 19, 2014
A3: You can really get to see lots more writing from each student than you would in f2f. #drcchat
— Dr. Jenae Cohn (@jenaecohn@sotl.social) (@Jenae_Cohn) December 19, 2014
@SweetlandDRC making spaces 4 students who may not b comf participating in f2f discussions (sometimes) easier online. Less pressure #DRCchat
— Laura Gonzales (@gonzlaur) December 19, 2014
A3: I like that I can combine all my online classes into one shell for more discussions & multiplicity of voices. @SweetlandDRC #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
Q4: How has your online teaching informed your teaching philosophy / who you are as a teacher? #DRCchat
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014
@SweetlandDRC I started making learning objectives more concrete/obvious for students in f2f classes after planning online courses #DRCchat
— Stacey Pigg (@pidoubleg) December 19, 2014
@linzharding Agreed. I've become better at designing collaborative projects through online teaching #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@SweetlandDRC this is prob just a sign that im doing it wrong, but online teaching has really made me appreciate f2f discussions #DRCChat
— Laura Gonzales (@gonzlaur) December 19, 2014
A4: Online teaching made me more aware of how much social loafing takes place in f2f classes & better at redirecting that energy #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
A4: Online teaching has pushed me to teach for transfer – help Ss see learning as building on prior kn and skills #DRCchat
— Lindsey Harding (@linzharding) December 19, 2014
@linzharding Agreed. I've become better at designing collaborative projects through online teaching #drcchat
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
@SweetlandDRC this is prob just a sign that im doing it wrong, but online teaching has really made me appreciate f2f discussions #DRCChat
— Laura Gonzales (@gonzlaur) December 19, 2014
Yes! RT @Jenae_Cohn: What a fun convo, #DRCchat! Love it! Thanks @linzharding and @rhetgrrrl for moderating tonight. π
— Christal Seahorn (@ProfSeahorn) December 19, 2014
Thanks for the terrific conversation tonight, everyone. #DRCchat. Stay tuned for @MatthewVetter's @Storify round-up soon!
— Sweetland DRC (@SweetlandDRC) December 19, 2014