Author: Alyse Campbell

Alyse is a PhD student in the Joint Program for English and Education and the Graduate Administrative and Editorial Associate for the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Her research interests include digital writing pedagogy, digital discourse, and Asian American rhetoric.

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows are graduate students currently working in some area of digital rhetoric who want practical experience collaborating with emerging and established scholars in online publishing with a major university press and website that serves the computers and writing community. Fellows will be selected by the DRC co-directors and board and will receive an annual award of $1000 and recognition on the DRC website. Applications will be accepted until July 19th at the end of the day. The Fellowship is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for one additional year. This fellowship application is…

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This year, we had six graduate fellows that worked on various projects on digital rhetoric. Below are some of their reflections on the year, including some information on the projects that they’ve been working on. You can find their projects across various places on the website, including Hack and Yack, the Blog Carnival 21, and the DRC Talk Series, among others. The DRC Fellows also worked on a panel for Computers and Writing 2023 titled: “Connecting Places: The Hybrid Practices of Graduate Students”. We’ve been honored to have these emerging scholars join us this year and look forward to seeing…

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Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows are graduate students currently doing research in some area of digital rhetoric who seek professional development experience in online publishing with a major university press and a website that serves the community of computers and writing. Typical projects may include: coordinating a blog carnival, extending the DRC wiki, enhancing the resources section of the website, or taking part in editorial activities associated with DRC publishing. Fellows may also participate in regular team meetings to collaborate and receive feedback on their research and projects in progress. International Fellows’ contributions may be personalized to observe relevant visa…

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Attending Computers and Writing 2023? Be a Session Reviewer! The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for the 2023 Computers and Writing Conference (UC Davis, June 22nd-23rd 2023).  If you would like to be a session reviewer for C&W 2023, please visit this Google Spreadsheet to sign up for a session to review. After you sign up, you will receive an email with information about submitting a session review draft. You will be asked to provide information about the session and a short bio for yourself. Since some sessions were recorded asynchronously this year, they will be available through…

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