The biannual Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition was held a few weeks ago at the University of Louisville between October 20-22nd. 2016’s conference theme “Mobility Work in Composition: Translation, Migration, Transformation” explored how theory and research on mobility may impact teaching, scholarship, and administration.
To celebrate the research and work of this conference, below you can find a series of panel and keynote reviews that explore diverse notions of mobility.
If you as a reader or presenter would like to continue these discussions, please feel free to comment below the posts; we also encourage readers and panelists to link to social media, personal websites, or other online materials that resonate with the work of the presentations. You may also find out more about the conference on Twitter by exploring with the hashtag #WatsCon16.
And finally, a big thank you to the presenters, editors, and reviewers who made this work possible.
Review team at the DRC: Brandy Dieterle, University of Central Florida; Kristin Ravel, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Brandee Easter, University of Wiscon-Madison
Watson Keynote Session 2: Carmen Kynard, “Pretty for a Black Girl”
Review by Margaret Bertucci Hamper
Watson Session A3: Mobilizing Digital Feminist Rhetorical Theory and Practice
Review by Janine Morris
Watson Session C7: Minor Professionalization: How Minority Rhetoric and Composition Professionals Navigate Mobility, Intersectionality, and Embodiment
Review by Chen Chen
Watson Session D11: Games, Play, and Design: Composing Mobility in Genres, Learning, and Knowledge
Review by Kristin Ravel
Watson Session G7: In, Around, Up, Over, and Through: Negotiating the Obstacle Courses of First-Year Writing
Review by Laura Gonzales
Watson Keynote Session 7: Eli Goldblatt, “Imagine a Schoolyard: Mobilizing Urban Literacy Sponsorship Networks”
Review by Kathryn Perry
Watson Closing Session: Anis Bawarshi
Review by Chris Scheidler